Sunday, 13 September 2015


The Minister for Education Science and Technology Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi has called for local, regional and international players to unite in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In his speech read by Elymarta Khaoya Senior Deputy Secretary Ministry of Education the CS has pronounced the importance using science and technology to achieve the SDGs targets.
‘Sustainable development is probably the most intimidating challenge that we face and achieving it requires  that fundamental issues be addressed immediately at local, international and global levels. Science is important to resolve economic, social and environmental problems,’ says Kaimenyi.
The SDGs are a UN backed 15 year strategic plan that sets to ensure social and economic inclusivity to promote growth in different sectors of the global economy by 2030.
Kenya’s National Commission of Science and Technology NACOSTI is among the selected councils that will participate in a new initiative to strengthen national science systems to conduct research that contributes to national and regional development .
‘This is an initiative that will help in moulding the future of Sub Saharan states,’ says NACOSTI CEO Moses Rugut.
Lisa Philips Head of Department for International Development says that effective investments in science, technology and innovation by African governments would help to address the continent’s development challenge and support long term prosperity.
‘This new initiative identifies a set of inter related challenges facing organsations that are central to funding and catalyzing research and innovation across Africa, adds Ms. Phillips who was speaking on behalf of the United Kingdom’s Department for Development DFID.
‘We recognize the important role granting councils play in ensuring that government investment in Science is directed towards solving problems and promoting economic growth, ‘ reiterates Stephen McGurk Vice President for Programs and Partnership in the International Development Research Centre .
This was at the First Forum of the Science Granting Council in Sub Saharan Africa Initiative that took place in Nairobi.
Kenya was among the 12 countries to benefit from this new initiative to strengthen science, technology and innovation in Africa.

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